
Initial Consultion

Call, message or send us an email to arrange a free consultation. I will come out to meet you and your pets, fill in some paperwork, understand what is needed and answer all questions you may have. 

Solo Walks

Our solo walks are great for dogs who find it difficult to adapt to being walked with other dogs whether it’s due to age, prefer their own space, are in season or just need that extra support in training.
              30 mins / 1 hour

Group Walks

Our group walks are a carefully selected pack (no more than 4 dogs) to meet and play with friends and any new additions that come to the group. 

A little meet and greet will be set up in place before any new dogs join the group.

All dogs will be kept on lead until we have reached a safe enclosure with just our pack, unless advised otherwise.

                 1 hour group walk

House Visit

If you have a new puppy or a cat you might be worried about leaving them alone or want someone to pop in for a visit. 

This is where I come in. I will let them out for a wee, change training mats, top up water and feed them if needed and the best part of it for me is to give them 30 minutes of play time and some attention!

                    30 mins


Going away for a night, weekend or even a few weeks? We now do boarding!

We only take on one pet at a time unless they are from the same household and will never be left on their own.

We have a fairly large garden for games, plenty of entertainment and for the energic ones we go out on 3 hour walks during the day. With parks, fields and woodlands nearby it's never a dull one.

Other Services

Examples….Going away for the weekend and have nobody around to look after your pet,  starting work earlier, stuck at work or need someone to pop in to feed your pets.

Please feel free to give me a call or drop me a message to see if I can do something to help out